Majora's Mask is set in Termina, an alternate reality to Ocarina of Time Hyrule, which is to be destroyed along with its inhabitants in three days by a giant falling moon unless the player can save it from imminent doom. A land parallel to Hyrule, termina is a world that only exists within a perpetual three day limbo, between the time when Link first enters Termina at the beginning of Majora's Mask, and when the Moon crashes into Termina, causing its apocalyptic destruction, three days later. It was formed prior to the start of the game, after the Skull Kid steals an ancient mask of dark magic called Majora's Mask. The Skull Kid's burdened heart and the mask's powers formed the parallel Termina into existence. The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask is an action-adventure game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64, released in 2000 as the sixth main installment in The Legend of Zelda series. By re-using the game engine and graphics from Zelda Ocarina of Time, a smaller team required only one year to finish Majora's Mask. They were faced with the very difficult question of just what kind of game could follow Ocarina of Time, and as a solution, came up with the three day system to make the game data more compact while still providing deep gameplay. Download Zelda Majoras Mask N64