Pokémon X is a role-playing video game developed by Game Freak, published by The Pokémon Company and Nintendo, Pokemon x follows the journey of a young Pokémon trainer and friends, as they train Pokémon. The games take place in the Kalos region based on France with the objective being to thwart the schemes of the criminal organization Team Flare, all while attempting to challenge the Pokémon League Champion. Pokémon X is the first title in the main series presented in fully 3D polygonal graphics, allowing for more interactivity with the overworld and more dynamic action during battles. Players are also able to customize their Pokémon trainer's appearance, choosing gender, skin tone and hair color at the start of the game, and can later acquire outfits and accessories in-game to change their character's look. Another new element in the series is Mega Evolution, in which fully evolved Pokémon, such as Mewtwo and Lucario, can use special items called "Mega Stones" to temporarily evolve further into Mega Evolved forms during battle. Development of Pokémon X began in 2010, director Junichi Masuda revealed the three main themes of X and Y to be beauty, bonds, and evolution. Beauty was the core focus and Masuda considered France to be a prime example of such he sent a team to the country for study in 2011. Pokemon X and Y was Later released worldwide in late 2013. Download Pokemon X N3ds